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Sonates II et III . Missa Deo Gratias

Jean-Pierre Leguay 

Diapason, 5 diapasons Le Monde de la Musique, Choc

In Paris’s Notre Dame cathedral, with its vocal and instrumental forces, my Missa Deo Gratias reveals a universe in which I explore and sculpt the gleam, softness, fervour, the nimble jubilation, the flesh both instrumental and vocal. Voice of the chant. Chant of praise. Sonatas II & III, two sides of my organ universe, two necessary and complementary approaches: in Sonate II extreme reduction of the number of registrations stretched into long passages; in Sonate III the organ treated like a full orchestra; double questioning of the pieces, double response from the same instrument and acoustics.

Jean-Pierre Leguay, orgue
Yves Castagnet, orgue
Maîtrise Notre-Dame de Paris
Etienne Lamatelle, trombone
Jean-Michel Weber, trombone
Jean Bollinger, trompette
Matthieu Reinert, trompette
Alain Huteau, percussions
Hélène Richer, soprano
Nicole Corti, direction

T.T. 80'31
1 CD
© 2008

19,00 €

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Detailed program
HORTUS 054 | CD DDD ℗ Hortus | T.T. 80'31
  Jean-Pierre Leguay (1939--)
  Sonate III  
1. Premier mouvement 10'03
2. Deuxième mouvement 13'53
  Missa Deo Gratias  
3. Kyrie 12'12
4. Sanctus 7'16
5. Agnus 11'06
  Sonate II  
6. Premier mouvement 12'27
7. Deuxième mouvement 13'29

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