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Liszt, une divine tragédie


With ‘Ad nos…’ Liszt creates a miniopera
Ohne Worte which, for the
organ, opened the door to romantic
fantasy. Thomas Ospital has chosen
to surround this piece with transcriptions
of orchestral or piano works,
drawing the contours of a tragedy: a
‘divine’ tragedy, for the Saint-Eustache
organ can take us only to heaven, after
the passage of the trumpets of fame,
the sighs of love and the lamentations
of mourning.

Thomas Ospital, orgue

T.T. 67'16
1 CD
© 2017

19,00 €

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Detailed program
HORTUS 145 | CD DDD ℗ Hortus 2017 | T.T. 67'16
  Franz Liszt (1811-1886)
1. Orpheus S. S. 98 12'27
  Transcription : Louis Robilliard
  Fantasie und Fuge über den Choral Ad nos, ad salutarem undam  
2. [Moderato-Allegro] 10'19
3. [Recitativo-Adagio] 10'28
4. [Adagio – Allegro deciso – Fuga – Allegro con brio] 12'17
5. Funérailles 13'09
  Transcription : Louis Robilliard
6. Am Grabe Richard Wagners S. S. 135 4'12
7. Consolation n°4 S. S. 172 4'11

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