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L'Alliance des Contraires

Duo Dulciâme 

Late Romanticism spawned myriad works
for violin and organ, two protagonists with
nothing in common at the start. Yet when an
organist evinces intimate acquaintance with
the violin or a great violinist writes prodigiously for the organ, entente prevails, opposites form an alliance, and compelling repertory flourishes. Between refined miniature and the symphonic poem in everything but name, between classical purity and lyrical modernism, a world of novel expressivity comes to life…

Pascale Karampournis, violon
Kurt Lueders, orgue

T.T. 58'56
1 CD
© 2017

19,00 €

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Detailed program
HORTUS 146 | CD DDD ℗ Hortus 2017 | T.T. 58'56
  Josef Rheinberger (1839-1901)
  6 Pièces op. 150  
1. Ouverture 8'34
2. Thème et variations 7'43
  Adolf Busch (1891-1952)
  Suite im alten Stil op. 33  
3. Præludium 3'19
4. [Largo] 3'44
5. Allemande 2'30
6. Gigua 4'58
  Alexandre GUILMANT (1837-1911)
7. Mélodie 3'06
  César FRANCK (1822-1890)
8. Leçon de solfège op. CFF 120 3'47
  Théodore Dubois (1837-1924)
  Méditation et Scherzetto  
9. Méditation en Si Mineur 4'39
10. Scherzetto en Ré Majeur 3'06
  Charles Gounod (1818-1893)
11. Vision de Jeanne d'Arc 3'38
  Marie-Joseph Erb (1858-1944)
12. Gib’ uns heute unser täglich Brot op. 71 9'44

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