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Scheidt, Schütz et Praetorius: Vêpres luthériennes


For Luther the Reformation by no means precluded retaining several distincly Catholic liturgical rites, such as Vespers. Schütz, Schein, Scheidt and Praetorius were to offer an eminent illustration of the role and the esteem the Reformer accorded music! Intended for the end of the afternoon, celebration of the Vespers gives ample voice to psalms, hymns, Magnificat and motets. This CD thus lends new life to a centuries-old tradition in which voices and instruments dialogue,
making use of the building’s spatial features in keeping with the practice of the era.

Claudia Conese, soprano
Ensemble choral Val d'Orbe
Daniel Meylan, orgue
Timo Klieber, contreténor
Patrick Porchet, ténor
Raphaël Hardmeyer, baryton basse
Ensemble baroque Orfeo
La Camerata Baroque
Ensemble Fratres

T.T. 53'56
1 CD
© 2018

19,00 €

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Detailed program
HORTUS 162 | CD DDD ℗ Hortus 2018 | T.T. 53'56
1. Cloche 0'23
  Christian Erbach (1570-1638)
2. Introït 3'08
  Samuel Scheidt (1587-1654)
3. Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren op. SSWV 55 5'54
  Heinrich Schütz
4. Psaume 100 op. SWV 36 4'34
  Jauchzet dem Herren, alle Welt
5. Psalmodie 1'03
  Heinrich Schütz
7. Psaume 149 op. SWV 254 3'20
  Die heilige Gemeine
8. Psalmodie et Amen 0'48
  Samuel Scheidt (1587-1654)
9. Lobet, ihr Himmel, den Herren op. SSWV 35 3'31
  Psaume 148
  Michael Praetorius
10. Erhalt uns Herr bei deinem Wort 8'19
  Giovanni Gabrieli (1557-1612)
11. Canzon seconda 2'44
  Heinrich Schütz
12. Meine Seele erhebt den Herren op. SWV 494 6'17
13. Psalmodie 0'21
  Johannes Eccard (1553-1611)
14. Vater unser im Himmelreich 3'13
  Michael Praetorius
15. Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin 2'10
  Hans Leo Hassler (1564-1612)
16. Von Gott will ich nicht lassen 3'54
17. Psalmodie et Deo gratias 0'20
  Samuel Scheidt (1587-1654)
18. Modus pleno organo pedaliter: Benedicamus op. SSWV 15 1'31
19. Cloche 1'46

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